Increasing in Holiness
Gospel taught not just word alone
But with power as well is known.
Your example of how to live.
Share this with all, for you shall give.
Be sincere and earnest in all.
Share love even though blockers call.
Pray night and day to perfect that
Which you do and say where your at.
Unite effort with God to wash
Away all that will try to squash
All that is holy and in love
join all below with that above.
Increase love more and more each day
Look for that, to ponder a way
to create with your hands that which
allows you to walk without glitch.
Previous Poem Proper preparation_ 2019-10-26
Open your eyes and recognize,
For he will come with no disguise.
Guide To help those that do believe,
Know your leaders, to them receive.
Never despise what is proclaimed
and prove all things that has been named.
For those near you, strive to do good.
Rejoice and Pray is what you should.
For one and all enlighten
The feeble and week heighten.
Hold fast and tight at the "Good Shop",
resemble evil, do not flop.