Sunday, October 22, 2023

Increasing in Holiness

 Increasing in Holiness

Gospel taught not just word alone
But with power as well is known.
Your example of how to live.
Share this with all, for you shall give.

Be sincere and earnest in all.
Share love even though blockers call.
Pray night and day to perfect that
Which you do and say where your at.

Unite effort with God to wash
Away all that will try to squash
All that is holy and in love
join all below with that above.

Increase love more and more each day
Look for that, to ponder a way
to create with your hands that which
allows you to walk without glitch.

Previous Poem Proper preparation_ 2019-10-26
Open your eyes and recognize,
For he will come with no disguise.
Guide To help those that do believe,
Know your leaders, to them receive.

Never despise what is proclaimed
and prove all things that has been named.
For those near you, strive to do good.
Rejoice and Pray is what you should.

For one and all enlighten
The feeble and week heighten.
Hold fast and tight at the "Good Shop",
resemble evil, do not flop.

Sunday, October 15, 2023

Press Along and For I have seen

 Press Along

Press to the mark along the way.
Focus away the past, today.
Doing all we can here and now,
To apprehend Christ, make the vow.

Set aside all your self proceeds.
Humbly consider those with needs.
Look for those on your left and right.
Want to enhance all, make them bright.

Previous Poem  For I have seen   2019-10-20

Dare I share the Gospel without sincerity.
For better it is to give with charity.
Beware who truly don't follow,
The Christ in their hearts is hollow.

There is no going back, but ahead.
Focus on the mark, not mislead.
Now the doctrine of man is not wise,
For God is not seen by human eyes.

reworked  in 2023
Share Gospel without sincerity.
'Tis better to give with charity.
Beware who truly don't follow,
The Christ in their hearts is hollow.

There's no going back, but ahead.
Focus on the mark, not mislead.
The doctrine of man is not wise,
God is not seen by human eyes.

Sunday, October 8, 2023

Hearts Sealed

 2023-10-08 Ephesians

Appointed beforehand we are
to find this mystery, which's not far,
to be acceptable to God
the Holy Spirit will applaud.

Seal in your heart what you have heard
They're tokens of your heart preferred.
Carved with Christ's chisel and with faith,
Boast not but walk by what God saith.

Sunday, September 3, 2023

A More Excellent Way


A race we run all, with sin we shall leave

Life live above temptation to achieve

spiritual self-mastery is when

With a crown of eternal life we'll win.

Previous Poem  A More Excellent Way -  2019-09-01

I partake for the gospel's sake
desire to eat winner's cake.
Beware evil infiltration.
He gives escape from this station.

It is Faith, Hope and Charity.
This love will bring much clarity.
Of all the gifts your to give all,
Help all feel a little more tall.

Sunday, August 27, 2023

Followers of the Way & Living Sacrifice

 Followers of the Way  1 Corinthians 1-7

What? Did you think that you do have a price
Your body is a temple every slice.
Christ has paid for it all, including sin.
With your body magnify God will win.

Implored to be followers of the Way
Not puffed up in yourself for every day
Make changes today in your life in love.
So as not with the rod to come and shove.

Previous Poem  Living Sacrifice _2019-08-25

Saints made holy through Christ, as one,
Truth convinced by spirit, has it begun?
Deep things of God are not seen nor heard,
you are convinced by power and not by word.

Gift given, your body is a living sacrifice,
not deface, debilitate or defile it will suffice.
Benevolence in marriage is fresh evidence
Pure and intimate love shows prevalence.

Sunday, August 20, 2023

Your Armour of Light And Receive the Promise


Poem Your Armour of Light Romans 7-16

Israel's fealty to the Law now's dead.
For it gives a knowledge of what's ahead
But never resolve effects of the Fall.
Spirit transforms Us through Christ quotes Paul.

Increase faith by listening to His Word.
Branches from a wild tree are now transferred.
Draws strength from this olive tree's holy root.
Boasting that change will come, there's no dispute.

Transform yourself, renew body and mind.
Contradict the world, don't get intertwined
Whose higher not you nor any other.
Be of same mind one towards another.

Previous Poem - 2019-08-16 - Receive the Promise
In the flesh I sometimes feel
contrary to what should be real.

To be Elect you still must choose
to wear the souls right off your shoes.
Tis yet in fain to wear them out,
Overlook Christ and you'll strikeout.

Preachin' Teachin' and Listenin'
Your testimony glistenin'.
Grafting the wild into the tame,
Kind and humble, follow his name.

Sunday, August 13, 2023

Justification and much more


Previous Poem  2019-08-11 Justification and much more!

The Law allows us to know sin,
Redemption is not it's twin.
Grace is a gift to justify this
From Him to save from the abyss.
Not just believe in Christ, I need.   
Trust in him as the One, I plead. 
Receive strength to remain faithful.
Overcome all that seem painful.
We hope to sit again in place,
finally to enjoy in God's embrace.

Sunday, August 6, 2023

Find the Way

 Find the Way

You'll find there's "The Way" for every answer,
It might have tears and trials from cancer.
Filled fears and sorrows are overcasting,
Assurance that life is everlasting.

Does your way prefer worldly expertise,
Over an Apostle that Heaven sees.
It's your own path cause your such the genius,
Or just 'cause it's out of convenience.

You might agree with the majority,
or its popular, it's no guarantee.
But there's a way if you choose to pursue,
Safety can be found, twill help you get through.

Previous Poem  Sharing the Way  2019-08-04 
Rumors flew with anger risen,
Paul's life menaced in Prison.
Christ came and made the promise
Your Rome witness of Me gets honest.

Find "The Way" to salvation
nothing hidden from its creation.
Willful obey heavenly vision
Persuade me now to become Christian.

Sunday, July 30, 2023

Spread the word

 Spread the word

The good word continues to spread
Paul & crew find those prepared ahead.
Guided by God through visions & prayer,
walk great distance, nothing to spare.

More women then men believed in his words
twas spoken and written with many verbs.
Unified and would read the word daily,
Better give than receive is not shady.

For someone that sold this royal purple,
Lydia affirmed what Paul shared is fertile.
Sharing his Word to all in her household.
The Way she followed brought all to this fold.

Previous Poem  Poem  _- Spreading the word 2019-07-28
The good word continues to spread
Paul & crew find those prepared ahead.
Guided by God through visions & prayer,
walk great distance, nothing to spare.

More women then men believed words
spoken and written with verbs.
United as one and reading the scriptures daily,
Better to give than receive is not shady.

Sunday, July 16, 2023

He Is a Chosen Vessel unto Me

 “He Is a Chosen Vessel unto Me”

Shall I knock on the door or shall I take leave
On the others side is a man ready to strike me down, for what I believe,
One known to support the stoning of Stephen,
Yet the Lord says he's the key for all to believe in.

I lay here waiting on the other side of the door
Do I deserve any mercy, it's impossible to even the score?
For I still tremble since the Lord called me out.
Of this I know for a fact and have no doubt.

Now Brother Saul I lay my hands upon you
that your sight may become new.
Be filled with the Holy Ghost, that you may share
This new way, so you can pay your fare.

Sunday, July 2, 2023

My Resurrected Savior

Resurrected Savior 2023-07-02
He is not here, for he is risen
The capstone of His great mission
Reassuring words for all humankind.
The greatest of all miracles that you will ever find.

Revealed to us 2023-07-02
Did not our heart burn within us?
I didn't recognize it then as a plus.
But looking back I can see it's shown
For now the truth within me is known.

How can I help to feed His sheep? 2023-07-02
Is there a neighbor to bless
Or a child to protect if in distress
Look for the poor to lift them up
For Truth, defend it and buildup.

My Resurrected Savior - 2019-06-30
Tis true, reality has come
death notes no longer to strum
Our Father, is God of all men,
To him did Christ return again.

Refuse to accept this marvel
many are prone to be fearful.
Scars show the lasting love that can be
It is time to believe so you can see.

Sunday, June 4, 2023

Supper to Never Forget

 A Supper to never Forget

I take a crust of bread to my lips
Broken and blessed at fingertips.
Offered to remind us of his body.
Bruised and broken to restart me.

The small cup of water I sip
for the shedding of his blood
the spiritual suffering  spent
In the Garden vibes where sent.

Partial 2nd Poem

Can you see it? Deliverance from Sin.
Remember this is where you begin.
Redemption becomes a weekly action
No Deliverance  from our infraction

Sunday, May 28, 2023

Someday Today

Someday Today

What will I do Today 

Someday the Lord will come.
Tomorrow I will help some.
Someday I just might repent.
Tomorrow's too late It'll be spent.
Someday I will comfort my friend.
Tomorrow I will find the end.
Someday never brings time now.
Tomorrow I might break my vow.

Today I will do my deeds.
Now it's time to pull weeds.
Today I will make that change
Now I'll make Christ not strange.
Today I can lift up those in need.
Now I can stop to bleed.
Today my oil is overflowing.
Now help others for their growing.

Previous Poem -Patience a mastery of your soul 2019-07-02.  
JSMatt1; Matt24-25; Mark12-13; Luke21

Enraged and master of deceit,
his deeds to you he wants defeat.

Entice us and bind us to our fears,
knowing full well it will bring you to tears.

Careful soon the door will close 
fill your lamp and do not dose.

Seek those gifts that He has given
Rewarded you'll be if you are driven