Sunday, August 27, 2023

Followers of the Way & Living Sacrifice

 Followers of the Way  1 Corinthians 1-7

What? Did you think that you do have a price
Your body is a temple every slice.
Christ has paid for it all, including sin.
With your body magnify God will win.

Implored to be followers of the Way
Not puffed up in yourself for every day
Make changes today in your life in love.
So as not with the rod to come and shove.

Previous Poem  Living Sacrifice _2019-08-25

Saints made holy through Christ, as one,
Truth convinced by spirit, has it begun?
Deep things of God are not seen nor heard,
you are convinced by power and not by word.

Gift given, your body is a living sacrifice,
not deface, debilitate or defile it will suffice.
Benevolence in marriage is fresh evidence
Pure and intimate love shows prevalence.

Sunday, August 20, 2023

Your Armour of Light And Receive the Promise


Poem Your Armour of Light Romans 7-16

Israel's fealty to the Law now's dead.
For it gives a knowledge of what's ahead
But never resolve effects of the Fall.
Spirit transforms Us through Christ quotes Paul.

Increase faith by listening to His Word.
Branches from a wild tree are now transferred.
Draws strength from this olive tree's holy root.
Boasting that change will come, there's no dispute.

Transform yourself, renew body and mind.
Contradict the world, don't get intertwined
Whose higher not you nor any other.
Be of same mind one towards another.

Previous Poem - 2019-08-16 - Receive the Promise
In the flesh I sometimes feel
contrary to what should be real.

To be Elect you still must choose
to wear the souls right off your shoes.
Tis yet in fain to wear them out,
Overlook Christ and you'll strikeout.

Preachin' Teachin' and Listenin'
Your testimony glistenin'.
Grafting the wild into the tame,
Kind and humble, follow his name.

Sunday, August 13, 2023

Justification and much more


Previous Poem  2019-08-11 Justification and much more!

The Law allows us to know sin,
Redemption is not it's twin.
Grace is a gift to justify this
From Him to save from the abyss.
Not just believe in Christ, I need.   
Trust in him as the One, I plead. 
Receive strength to remain faithful.
Overcome all that seem painful.
We hope to sit again in place,
finally to enjoy in God's embrace.

Sunday, August 6, 2023

Find the Way

 Find the Way

You'll find there's "The Way" for every answer,
It might have tears and trials from cancer.
Filled fears and sorrows are overcasting,
Assurance that life is everlasting.

Does your way prefer worldly expertise,
Over an Apostle that Heaven sees.
It's your own path cause your such the genius,
Or just 'cause it's out of convenience.

You might agree with the majority,
or its popular, it's no guarantee.
But there's a way if you choose to pursue,
Safety can be found, twill help you get through.

Previous Poem  Sharing the Way  2019-08-04 
Rumors flew with anger risen,
Paul's life menaced in Prison.
Christ came and made the promise
Your Rome witness of Me gets honest.

Find "The Way" to salvation
nothing hidden from its creation.
Willful obey heavenly vision
Persuade me now to become Christian.