Sunday, August 14, 2022

To be hated and persecuted is my fate?

 To be  hated and persecuted is my fate?

Can you be blessed serving the Lord
Remain faithful with blessings stored?
God's candle will shine on your head
To walk through darkness ahead.
Regarded and beloved by all
securely rooted and growing tall.

The Lord gives and could even take
But never my faith will be fake.

Faultless faith with morals intact
with boils or cancer, there's impact.
If this happens once, you be brave
For after the initial wave,
Be ready for it comes in twos,
Or even more could cause the blues.

Might happen you sin with your lips?
Complain along your daily trips?

Lose it all is a rarity
Your wealth, health and posterity.
With such negating blows you'd think
You'd complain, why me do I stink?
Even your deepest need is drowned
Family and friends aren't found

With the love of his life forlorn
You would think his faith would be torn.

With death circling near his desire.
Does your actions to Lord conspire?
In complete harmony and not distract
Under intense stress with integrity intact.
A moral story for all to adhere
For all a moral story sticks
If the Lord's in your bag of tricks.

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