I spoke with the Rabbi 2023-02-12 John 2-4
Honey, My love, I spoke with the Rabbi.
Spiritually begotten children can
Lift our eyes that we see that Son of Man.
I should be born again before I die.
Spiritually begotten children can
Lift our eyes that we see that Son of Man.
I should be born again before I die.
Aside the well the Rabbi talked to me.
For that Messias that we've heard spoken of
Has come, He's here, my heart awoke with love.
He has living water, I do decree.
Born of the Spirit filled us to the brim.
The spirit lifts us without ev'n a crumb.
Life returned though almost gone is the sign.
Yes we can now see the wind yes it's him.
Our eyes and hearts are open with help from
Those miracles when turned water to wine.
Petrarchan modified sonnet 14 line poetic form ABBACDDCFGHFGH with a 10 syllable meter like sonnet number 43 by Elizabeth Barrett Browning https://poets.org/poem/how-do-i-love-thee-sonnet-43
Previous Poem Wind and Water 2019-02-18
Aside Jacob's well I feel strange
My soul parched crying out for change
Sip, Swig, Swallow living water
my heart & mind follow order
My soul parched crying out for change
Sip, Swig, Swallow living water
my heart & mind follow order
Effects are felt, Yet no wind seen
Born of Spirit, actions are clean
Act on truth and come to the light
Your daily deeds from God made right
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